Friday, January 15, 2010

* Weird

We didnt study that much today and its all because of this health day that ate up the time.
Well, first thing in the morning, we all went to the MPH to listen to these people talk about preventing pests and caring for your teeth which we already knew and barely listened. Then, we ate the fruits tiredly sliced by Zennia, Jane and Cynthiani. They were chosen to cut the fruits, green with jealousy!!! i wanna try !!
the fruits,.
Some were sweet, but most were sour as sour could be!
I dont really like fruits but since everyone were busy helping themselve, i did the same .
ANd i regret taking green apples and jambus .


Then, we did our concert's general practise which was really tiring. Standing under the unbelievably HOT sun to wait for our turn to perform and cramped together smelling sweats . ew/
But it was better than studying which is sitting in a chair cramped and listening to the boys shouting and teacher's voice is drowned inside. Not nice not nice.

Our performance, anyways, were not really the type i like. It was kindaa lame, the song. but the step was kindaa nice. But all those kneeling and hands waving are killing me!

What i was excited about is that i heard that the governor Siamsul Arifin whatever his name is is coming to watch our concert!!!! %@#$%^&*()_+?><>
a governor sitting infront of the stage at the VIP couch staring at us!!! Well we better do well!

So we started our lesson at 12 o'clock by starting with Science by doing this piece o' cake experiment, lighting up a bulb.
then CHinese,= which i receive a juicy gossip.
then Health, which i didnt learn at all.


tomorrow, will be going to school for Marching Band practise!!!
Sunday, Fel, Kel, Zen and Win will be coming todo our music project!!!

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