Friday, March 5, 2010

* games day

Well today's games day so i gotta get rid of my used-to-be-katie's broken pair of shoes. I spent like a week walking around with one straps twinging to the side like a jumping board. I bought a new pair last night and made sure it was SPORT shoes not the ones girls uses, it brokes easily. FOr last year, i think its the third that-kind shoes i wore that broke. Sport shoes? like 4 years until it got TOO small. Anway, the REEBOK shoes i bought was still stiff and i figure that it wont help me in running for tomorrow, so i HAD to wear it at SUN plaza jumping and running to soften it. Emberrassing,Yes.

SO today the day came and my heart was beating as fast as a cheetah, nervous. As usual. I begged Boin and Jerrick to run as fast as they can, to spill out the fact, ( sorry Boin), Boin is fat , and he doesnt take things seriously, he runs with his hips shaking and hands out like an airplane. Zennia is fast, so no problem. Me, THEY say that im one of the fastest. And btw, i noticed that not so many parent came as appriciation, my mom is included, she hates the SUN.

And guess what???we won! When i received my medal, i was feeling it, it has been years since i got this medals. And i missed it! well, now my joy was coming back!

after the awarding , me,jane,cynthia zennia felisha n winny sneaked to the toilet to hear songs from Jane's ipod nano. The same annoying nanny who does nothing in the toilet but two things that is yelling and cleaning was really getting on my nerves. She even timed the time we used the toilet! and boss us, like " Oi, cepat buag tisu itu!"
" bukan kita punya kak!" ( thats us)
" ga peduli!cepat!'

and sometimes :
" cuma boleh seorang di kamar mandi! jgn samoe 5 menit ya! "

" *ignoring"

Really, no wonder her face looks like THAT. Well anyway,we dony even care. Disoebying her no sense rules and that made her shout and feel grumpy bout being ignored.

Well not really much about GAMES DAY/

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