Wednesday, April 14, 2010

* Garage Sale?! ( again)

SO, you know, our school will be having its Business Week THIS Saturday. Business week? You know the day when each level will be doing some booth and people will pay using coupons and the coupons will be turned to moneyy and the money will be donated to the less fortunates? yeah that day. And i dont even know why we call it Business Week when the only day that had something to do with business is only Saturday. For the weekdays are just advertising and promoting like " come to our booth! there will be lots of stuffs there that awaits you! yoou can buy nice stuffs here in a much cheaper price. So come to our booth! see you there!"
Well, my class were assigned to do a Garage sale, the same ole thingy we do every business week. garage sale means we have to turn our house upside down to hunt for some used stuffs that you barely use anymore and toss it into a box at school so they can sell it. Its a MUST. Thats why every year, im losing some stuffs i HAD to give up on and even have to search for some thingies.
Why Garage Sale again? Its not fair! ( whining like a child, oh wait. I am a child) . While others get exciting booths like " HORROR BOOTH!, FANTASY LAND, JAIL BOOTH, CAFE, GAMES etc. ( Oh okay, we did a " Fresh Juice" booth 3 years ago)
Us? Garage Sale which is always held on the field. Under. The. SUN. why why why why why???
And i just know that for garage booth victims, we will have to take turns taking care of our booth and helping our "customers". Like as if.
I mean, why would people waste their money and time to buy some used, faded, old, broken, useless stuffies when there are more worthy stuffs to waste on? Well maybe SOME people would, some some some some.
The stuffs my friends donates some are are like sooo obvious! who would like a piece of plastic tiny sofa that is already old and chipped? I wouldnt want it even if it was for free.
And there was even someone who donated a baby activity book that is already a li' folded and scribbled. We had to give both of those trash rp. 1000. If we had freedom, i 'd put " special gift! for freeee!"
And i bet no one would "touch" it.
Anyway, i will be trying my best to avoid being caught and dragged back to our booth to have my turn in taking care of our booth in the middle of the Horror Booth line i will be standing on.
And i have succeed doing that for the past years! muahahahhahahhaha

Well, so now, after i end this posty. I gotta go to the garage and basement to do some hunting again. Yeah its 10:30 pm so what?

Ok. Adios.

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