Monday, May 31, 2010

* Goodbye Angeline

Angeline has never been one of my best friends before, and werent that close either. For these 5 years she has been starting at SIS, we were never in the same class which was a shame. But, i had always counted her as one of my good friends.
She's this sweet , caring, full of humor, talkative type of person who you wish you could hang out with and talk more that she has absolutely good temper! never gets mad.
what she does is joke joke joke and joke.
her nickname is "angel" and i think its suits her perfectly, she really is an angel.

But the sad thing is that there will be a strong possibility that i might NEVER see her anymore this week cause, she's leaving for Jakarta around this days. Something about her dad's work.
Her farewell party was thrown last Saturday, well the invitation was given late so we had no time to prepare a present but a notebook which we brought at the party and passed it around, writing a message for her. Well, i have to admit it was kinda scrawlishy ( made up word ) and plain and dull cause its just signed with a plain running out of ink purple pen.

we fought to be the one handing it to her, the book. in the end, we ended up looking like a fool handing her the notebook with everyone holding it.

the dang thing right now is that the only chances i can meet her is at school this week, but u know whats happening right now. SA2!
dang dang dang dang! ( note that i am using 'dang' for 'da*n)

SO, this shortie worthless post is dedicated to you Angel.

I hope you will have a nice live in Jakarta, and i hope you know how much i'll definitely miss you.

Bon Voyage

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