Wednesday, December 30, 2009

* Walking back to History

Today would be interesting if only Katie would wear her jacket yesterday and wouldnt wake up with a cold today and ruin everything.

Well, today was kinda nice. I travelled back to history. WHich literally means i visited ole places.

This morning, we tried hard to make Katie leave the bed. After trying thrice, she finally did and stroll lazily to the toilet. Came back announcing she doesnt feels well.
ANd that where the FUSS bgan,


i was trying to enjoy my day but it didnt work because mom n dad was putting their attention to Katie always.
Treating her like she's three and Katie acting like one.
Im disgusted.

We used a taxi to drive to some historical places and it was great except the walking cause it was too crowded and some people cant even say EXCUSE ME. In shops, many shoppers pushed me due to my heights ( hey! people like me cared! ), eat stuffs while talking and left overs flies to my hair, EW, nudged me purposely and wouldnt even move when i say EXCUSE ME.

WE went to a church next. It was old, and pretty. Unlike nowadays churches which is just plain and simple. No, this has beautiful carving, decorations, ceilings and more. I found out it was 500 year old alredy! Omgah..
There were displays of historical stuffs used long ago, statues of Jesus, Maria and others.
I saw one sculpture of Jesus which attracted my attention. It was just his face but, the artist put dripping glue between his eyes which looks like tears, and there were big green needles stabbing his head. Beside this sculpture, in a glasscase, his feet and hands which was stabbed with nails and blood dripping were there. It was made by artists! Not Jesus' original's!
I almost cried seeing the sacrifice of Jesus, those nails deeply stabbed through he palms and feet. Those needles entering his heads, and thats his repay after helping humans.
I hope that story wasnt true!

This church is just to pretty! Sigh, i dont wanna leave it!

We walked n walked in the free-walking-for-people expecting to find the museum we have been finding or hours, MOm saw an old furniture shop and entered. Katie whined of saying she's tired and wanna rest.
The shopowner was selfish , i was just feeling the smoothness of the Buddha statue and she was signing my hand to GO AWAY. Well, fine! If thats how you treat your customers!
The furnitures was wayyyyy prettier than what we have now.
Ours were just simple plain wood with simple handle.
Old ones, full o decorations and each handle was decorated differently.

And there were stools and chairs and slippers and benches and boxes and dresses.
SImply beautiful.


Finally found the museum.

Many cool stuffs stored there. I was wndering where they dig out all those stuffs .
(And yes, i am right, ole times stuffs and buildings are way beautifuller than 2009.)
There were
broken porcelains
a sample ancient dining room, bakery, doctor's room and...

old tools and more.
Katie was just being stupid by sitting in a bench saying she is not feeling well . She lose her chance,

What i really love was this thing. In a BIG glass case stored with statue of broom seller, herb tea seller, a buy-old-stuffs-and-sells-them people and someone who makes scissors sharper . All of them standing on a street.
FOr example, if you are staring at a broom seller through the glass and you press he button infront, you could hear his voice. His voice shouting: (translated to english) BUY YOUR BROOM!!
Its soooo cute! His voice! Okay, its not a baby voice , an old tired man's voice but i've never seen something like this b4 and find it amazing.
When mom say this, she told dad " look, we use to have these people at our street long ago, but now there are none."
ckckckckck. Changes. I despise that.

Wonder is hawker stalls will soon BE GONE 30 years later...

Saw more fascinating stuffs. First printer and computer! WOW.
Compare the first computer to now's APPLE NEWEST MODEL LAPTOP!

I felt like being in the past and i love that feeling.

Left the museum.

Saw a mostly burned church. It was sooooo beautiful!
GOOD GOOD GZOOD thing the front part wasnt burned!
Such a shame.

EVerywhere here in the free walking street was ancient FYI. The floor was made by the Portuguese. The buildings were rukos. Cute.

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