Saturday, January 23, 2010

* Concert

Our concert happens today and when i woke up. I was already mad. just MAD.
And its because Katie disturbingly woke me up by putting the ringing live alarm just right beside my sleeping head. I was startled of course and it was just 6:30!
I was fuming of course since we were actually suppose to reach school at eight and does she think it took me an hour and half to change and eat breakfast?!

I had to wear my embarrasing marching band costume. Oooh hate the color. Yellow and blue. yellow is my fave color but i dont think that it matches with marching band costume. Green or red is better if you asked my opinion. And i think all girls should wear skirts instead of just the majorettes.
it burns me~

I was late already because of Brendon! he picked us up at 7:58! CRAZY OR WHAT?
After some preparation...

we, the marching band was just sitting in the lobby hidden of course waiting for the governor talk his looooong slooooooow booooring speech. Welll im not sure if its boring well who's listening? We couldnt even hear anything but we know that someone is making a speech cause Tr.Reymun kept on shushing us with ; " quiet! the governor is speaking!" " mrs.gomez is speaking!"
After which feels like an hours we finally played our song over and over again and we didnt even march like a MARCHING BAND should do! And noone can even see us! Just hear.. man, then why should i risk wearing these clothes?! urgh!
WHen we were done playing, we changed into our batiks for our aceh summon dance.. we were confuse to see nobody in our preparation room since we need help with pining our batiks to our t-shirt and fixing my hair. But noone was there just us the p5 marching band members. Well so we changed first anyway and helped each other and soon...TA-ta!!! we were done and thats the time we found out that the others were still there standing in the field under the burning sun listening to the speeches! They've been doing that since we were waiting in the lobby!! OMG! so there's also a good thing in marching band ! i love joining it! When they were back , they were pointing out how lucky we were not joining them suffering with the heat and boring speeches.

Our performance was...was..was..was..well really boring but i think we did a pretty good job. After that we watched the cheerdances again, never got bored of it. :) COOL.

After the cheerdancers. Bazaar. Me zennia and winny planned to go to the face painting booth first but zennia unfortunately got lost and we spent 20 mins looking for her. We met unexpectantly at the booth. WInny painted her hands and i painted my face. PRETTY! i chose the pink and black and white designs.. winny and zennia did the same. YEAH! the trios!
i was kinda shy moving around with half painted face but i told myself this was no thing to be shy about and voila...nervous wreck dissapeared! mom took pictures again with her CANON DSLR cam again. and results;good. nice. :)
Well most booth are already packing ready to go home and i still have a coupon worth 10 thousand so i spend them on our booth. helping at least!

Then i was forced to go home. I kept my face painting on until it has to be peeled...

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