Thursday, January 28, 2010

* Diary of Anne Frank

I going to write about the book im now reading, its called " the diary of a young girl". i think most of you know about this book ( who am i meaning by " most of you" anyway???).
I've read it before after mom bought it but then lost it for some reasons. after some years...
zennia found that book in the library and showed it to me since i had told her about it and then thats how i finally got to read the beloved book again!!
uh, right..yay.

Here's a little bit about the story:

Anne Frank was a 13 year old girl Jewish girl, a girl who lived in the years when the Nazis ruled the Jewish, and a girl who kept a diary until she was 15 since she died at that age. That diary was one of her presents in her 13th birthday, the first thing that caught her eyes anyway. She filled her diary with her feelings and simply her days in 1942-1944. In those years, the Jews were hated by the Nazis and every jews were required to wear a yellow star to explain that they are Jews, and they Nazis created rules for the Jews;
Jews were required to turn in their bicycle, Jews were forbidden to ride on trams or cars, Jews were required to do shopping between 3:00 to 5:00, Jews were to go to Jewish-own shops, Jewish were forbidden to go on streets between 8pm and 6 am, Jews were forbidden to go to theatres or any entertainment and Jews were forbidden to take part in any events and there were many more rules for the Jews.
Anne wrote everything about how she felt about it. One day, her father suddenly go a call that was sending him to the concentrate camp, the thing feared by Jews, because of this, the family decided to escape. They hid in Anne's father's office's third floor, he had prepared the hiding place.
it was hard to find the " Secret Annex " ( the hiding place they called) since Anne's father had covered the door that leads the Secret Annex with a bookshelf. Creative huh?
Not only the Franks live there, but some of their close friends did too like the van Daans. Their foods or any stuffs they needed were provided by the officers downstairs. So they were safe there, since they remained unknown with the Nazis. And everything that happens in the Secret Annex and when unexpected things happened, Anne wrote it in her diary.

But one day, something unexpectedly yet expected happened. The Nazis had found their hiding place, someone had told on them, betrayed them. The whole family was sent to the concentrate camp and they suffered there. One by one, as days, weeks and years passed, people begin to die one by one and in 1944, the only Frank that remained alive was Otto Frank, Anne's dad. Miep Gies, the trusted worker of Otto Frank tried to sneak in the annex and took some precious stuffs and she found Anne's diary. the diary, of a young girl and i think....thats how we know about it. Published and shared...

OK. i know my extras really sucks but well you know, i cant really do extras..haiz...

p.s: thats how i got my blog name, me, journal of a young girl, her, diary of a young girl.

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