Friday, January 8, 2010

* Im not looking forward

Headline: yay! school's here!
big deal.

Urgh, i dont know why im always feeling glum in the days before school and then feel happy again when im in school. I've tried telling myself.
" stop feeling this way, you know what to expect at school! your friends , teachers and fun too!"
But it ever works. Well, nothing ever works in persuading me with something that has to do with HOLIDAY ENDING or SCHOOL'S HERE.
sig sigh sigh.

Ok so i've tried figuring out what made me feel worried about school and it is
Everyone hates homework for sure! Look, you've done your work at school and is now happy that you can relax, but when you reach home to rest, you spotted your homework and you go ....
forget it.
anyways, i know you'd think im dumb or whatsoever to worry about homeworks in holiday time but really, im not that sure now.
I WAS 100% sure sure sure that no teachers gave any homeworks for us and it was sa1 last time and no homeworks giving is allowed right? and im sooooo sure there were no homeworks the time before sa1.
BUt you know me, always worrying and never sure.


Well talking about homeworks is boring .


Omg, can you believe it?! tomorrow's the last day of vacay! ugh, time flies too fast, they shouldnt have fly that quick ( joke). WHats the hurry anyway?!
And ur..dont ya think the vacation is tooo short? 3 weeks people! 21 days~
er...that is long but compare to the normal vacation, it IS short.

And my another reason of why holiday shuld be longer aside of " we shuld relax" is because i hadnt learn anything again at this stupid holiday! WHat i did:
play facebook
play computer
etc...all useless activities.

and i had skip LOTS of my KUMON homeworks which had ruin my life.
I was suppose to go there last week but i hadnt done a mountain of homeworks and that another problem i have to deal with.


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