Tuesday, January 12, 2010

* missing holiday

School, i love it. Sort of.
But holiday, im missing it!!

And still, i wished i had did something instead of munching through foods, yawning to bed, eyes gluing to computer screen, and thinking so much about having fun or whatever.! grr, it always happen!

Anyway, school wasnt that great today, and just one little thing ruined it and it happened at english time.
Tr. Malou had this new idea about having a partner with you who had to sit beside u and work together. You are too do projects in Engish together, learn to cooperate together and learn to divide works.
It has to be girl n boy and i think im the most unlucky girl because guess who i got:
grr, the hated boy of the level.

I wanted to screeeeeaaaam . He acted like he didnt hear me. Edging his chair a meter away from mine and absent mindedly stare infront of nobody and letting me hear his deep loud sigh on purpose. I was having difficulty connecting with him with a meter distance. ANd so i tried to talk loudly and after i spoke. No respond.
After a minute he'd jerk his head to my direction and ask rudely " what? WHAT?!!"

WE wach had a project assigned and i think that we are falling behind cause everyone was busy tlking and laughing and discussing and assigning jobs while me n mr. rude were just giving each other a cold look.


I've been trying to avoid him as far as possible but since we have a project due on monday its totally impossible.


Well, nothing fun happened 2day .

so i'll stop until what ruined my day

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