Friday, January 29, 2010

* Rabbit?? ON THE MOON?!

Well, if you did notice, yesterday was a full moon. Really full and i was the first to spot it too! In the car anyway, when i told Katie, she directly reach for her glasses and squint at the sky. Then after some seconds, she told me to do the same and asked me if i can make out the shadow of a rabbit there. AFter 13 tries, i complaint that i saw nothing and she was talking foolish but she told me to see properly, i finally saw a glimpse of two bunny ears. and some part of i ts body.
Well totell ther truth, i have heard lots of people telling about this thingy but i never believed in it well it really is true that you have to see the condition before believing it or not.

So after seeing the rabbit shadow on the full moon, that got me googling of course. typing " rabbit on the moon" and got some wacky results which i am going to post now. EVerytime there was a full moon, you can always shape out a shadow of a rabbit.

What i saw yesterday was clearly easily picture number 3. And Katie agreed with that.I got curious and went in search for the legend.
And here it is:

"The idea of a moon rabbit was introduced to China through a Buddhist legend. Once upon a time the Buddha, in the guise of a hungry old man pleaded with the animaUs of the forest for food. Every creature came forward bringing such food as it could. When it came to the turn of the rabbit, he modestly stepped forward with empty hands:

‘Master, I have grown up in the woods. Herbs and grasses are my food. I have nothing else to offer you but my body’. So saying the hare jumped into the fire and roasted himself for the starving man. In recognition of such a supreme sacrifice the Buddha transferred the rabbit to the moon to be remembered for all time by posterity.

But the moon rabbit is not the only inhabitant of the moon. Keeping him company is Wu Chang, the Chinese answer to the legend of Sisyphus. Wu Chang was a man of ancient China who sought immortality. But his ambition angered the Jade Emperor (the supreme deity in Taoist cosmology) who exiled him to the moon from which he was not to return until he had succeeded in felling a 5,000-foot-tall cassia tree which grew there. He set upon his work with vigour and determination, but each time he struck with his axe, the tree kept closing the cut leaving no dent whatsoever. To this day Wu Chang is trying to fell the gigantic cassia tree, not daring to return to earth until the task is completed."

After reading the legend, i was confused, like does it mean before the rabbit jumps to the fire, there wasnt a shadow shaped rabbit on the moon? and how could animals talk anyway???

Thinking of it, made me shiver, i dont know why whenever i hear a legend i could always shiver and think about it as a mystery. Well it is isnt it?

Thinking....a rabbit trapped on the

But Neil Armstrong had stepped on the moon but no rabbit?

AHHH!!! i dont know~ there are still soooo many questions in my mind. BUt im locking the door in case they escape and come out from my mouth. Phew.

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