Thursday, February 18, 2010

* p5 camp 2 coming soon!

well, just awhile ago, i told Katie that she wont be seeing me tomorrow night till saturday morning and expected to have her ask why. But instead, she said what i had expected next , " yay! till saturday night right??? yes! no YOU!!"

Actually, i was just wanting to show off to her that tomorrow, we will be having our 2nd P5 camp.' Well, i just cant help it, i blurted out " cause tomorrow will be our second p5 camp." as if she asked in the first place. =.= and then she started complaining on how boring her camp was when she was p5 and about unfair thingy and its sooo none of my business.
Well, i got busy IMMIDIATELY cause i hadnt prepared a single grain, there were countless stuffs to bring like dinner plates, foods, beddings, grooming kit, extra shirt, sleeping stuffs like tootbrush and toothpaste, and even slippers, and luggage, and pans and ...and..and...

well enough of that cause i can go on forever!

anyways, i made a definition list of what i MUST complete .
well, im going to give you a little peeeekkk...

" Sassy's MUST DO list"

well, this picture was taken at the first camp, it was in the morning at 6:30 and we were cooking breakfast. Look at me, ooooh beyond words...., so for tomorrow, i wanna make sure no dorky pictures of me..being POSTED in facebook! so, i have to make sure, i got up early and wash my face until im satisfied so it wont be like THAT picture again.
but hold on, there's another.

ooh horrible....just horrible..

2. err...actually there's no number two, only about dorky pictures.

well well wellll....

gotta gooo! ciaooo!

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