Friday, February 19, 2010

* p5 camp double up

dont really know what double up means and wouldnt volunteer to answer Ms.Gina's question when asked. Well, whats inside my head was " to double up our independence???" but im not sure with that well i didnt raise my hand.
But now, my answer was " meant two times fun-ner?"

well i did had a good time, really good time and i listed down the activities:

1. Fish Me Ville- a really funny game. But i didnt play since i was very careful with cleanliness since we have to bite the laundry clips to yank off the marshmallows.
2. Flashing back- a presentation showing pictures of us in p5 camp 1st edition with questions. And with two choices, A and B. If we choose B, we have to runnn to B. be quick cause you could be pushhedd.
3. Eh...trivia again- about Indonesia culture, SIS and s'pore schools. i dont know i was out for countless times.
5. cooking- well, i had a stomach which is unbearable...
6. Journal writing! - i heard that they will be awarding for model journal! woww!!
7. practising for some competition between the survivors and strivers ( our groups)!
8. snoozing time!!

I was soooo embarrased with my beddings cause i didnt know mom had decided to bring the embarrasing HUGE piyo piyo mattress instead! Piyo piyo! gosh i used it when i was like 3 ??!!!
Well but its really comfy to sleep at...
Speaking of sleeping..
We didnt really sleep exactly at 9 like we were told to.
ok, to be reeaaaaallly honest, i didnt sleep until like 2 am, so did my friends . Well first, when Ms.Joyce went out to take a bath. We girls told ghost stories that gave us heebie jeebies, and queitly pass the pringles chips around and crunching softly. I hid my water bottle behind my pillow so i wont get " sore throat nightmare again". Everytime a teacher would peek through the windows, me, felishia and shieeran would pretend to be asleep. eyes closed, mouth hanging opened, hands spread out, feet spread out (lasak style) , and breathing deeply and snoring sooo very softly. When we were then reported that they were gone, we took out the Pringles can we hid under our blankets and began crunching happilly again! But then, we all got really sleepy and Shieeran, the girl sleeping next to me began to snore, we did a lil' joke by pinching her nose and pucker her lips.
her foot then was raised and it dropped to my face. Well of course i was annoyed and i GENTLY took that foot and put it back to her position. Her foot flew back to my face again now with her hands flapping to my stomach. How do u think u can sleep?!
So we all woke up at 5 , me feeling extremely sleepy since i only slept for about 3 hours due Shieerans feet and hands, and Felishia nonstop talking ( lol), and the hotness caused by my super thick blankie..
We went down to the field to do some jogging with our PJ's on! its really funny to see everyone in PJs , especially when they are joggging, in public!
Afterwards, food attack! i think "attack" is the right word even though what we did was just cook and gobble up, nothing to do with attack...but i had a stomach ache AGAIN and the foods are the causes! Attacking!
Had some entertainment then, you know, dramas by each group? well dont even get started on mine cause we were just plain lame.., but credits to Ebrahim and Oriana. :)
And some singing and dancing by the survivors and strivers, both were good for me, but we won...well thats a pleasure..:)

Had the journal writing again and then, AWARDING. Such a pleasure ( again ) cause i got the award of " Model Journal" or was it " journal model" ???...never mind...
After THAT, we all went home and met our beloved home again!

the end. :)

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