Monday, February 15, 2010

*snap snap :)

We saw this monkey on the road forced to entertaint passerbys. he was controlled by a chain that was around his neck. That must have hurt like crazy! Imagine, people doing this for MONEY??!!

The monkey trained to act like human
doing what people in mesjids do

awww cute

acting dead after pretending being shot by a gun.

being controlled

See how cruel people are? Doing this to animal just for money! Dont they care about animals feeling???
Well i have to admit the monkey was fantastic! smart! amazing! and talk more about cute.
To my prediction, he was forced to be trained , over and over again non-stop. If he was just caught and then told to perform. How did he know about mesjid praying, guns, pulling of carts and motorcycles? And how could he be so smart spreading the carpet to the floor to pray and put back his helmet when he fell off the motorcycle?? ( ouch)
So smart right?and yes, for the 3 millionth time, cute.
BUt me and my cousins werent thinking about cute in that case, we were pitying the poor monkey. being dragged like a toy, but the group that was looking forward for money seems not to care at all. There were some playing drums to match the monkey's action while one was controlling , pulling the chain making the monkey gasped and staggered in pain, maybe secretly choking.
poor one. :(
I cant make further comments anymore cause who knows, maybe they are treating the monkey with care??
So, here are the pictures for fireworks! Only a few since mom couldnt spot us in all the smokes we created. tee-hee. and scroll down only if you are interested . I mean, its just 3 pics of me having fun..duh..!
Well goes!

Me writing 'S' in the air with smoke. :)
escaping and admiring the beautiful sight.
bi-di-bee-ba-di-boo! however you spell it =.='

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