Wednesday, February 10, 2010

*What you mean by boring

Our days are now getting dull and boring and its because of the absence of our favorite teacher Tr.Quennie. It was just , we went to school on fresh Monday to find Mr.Roland in our class instead if her and started grumbling, his reason why he was here? Tr.Quennie was sick in the hospital. =(
We were starting to worry, and then we thought of Math class, who will be the teacher then? whoever it is ,we hope he or she is as exciting and fun as Tr.Quennie. It turned 0ut to be Ms.Gina, well she's funny too...and gives fun projects unlike other teachers who just throw us worksheets (yawn).
This is what Ms.Gina said " Your math teacher Ms.Quennie is still in the hospital, she's sick, maybe you will not see her for a few days."
oh..well a FEW DAYS, hopefully.

But another teacher told us that we were the cause of her sickness...what the? for us, it looks like Tr.Quennie was perrrfectly happyyy at friday, and we have no reason to be blamed! Sheesh.
she said : Ms.Quennie is sick because of you all! look! you all are sooo noisy. my will be in the hospital for some weeks!
WEEKS! GOD! Then she will not be celebrating chinese new year with us this friday???? =(

soo days past and its same borring....dull...
No jokes
No laughter
Except for those who own malicious minds talking about whatever "leng leng"
SO dull
and boring


most of my friends were suggesting that we visit her but i forgot who, one teacher of ours eavesdrop and said " no you cant visit her, she cant accept visitors, not even teachers are allowed"
ohhh dang it

So we thought of another idea of making a card, but felishia and kelly accidentally spread too much of those creamy thingy to make it prettier but ends uolooking weird since we have to use orange origami to cover up the ugly glob.
Felishia made this short play of how Tr.Quennie's reaction would be.
She took the card, with the nice cover and exclaim " Oh my, this pretty card is from my girls! "
and then she opened it and there was the ruined card with wobbly " dear tr,quennie, happy new year, get well soon! we miss you! love, sassy girls.", Felishia pretended to be shocked and exclaim " my, what is this??"
we had a good laugh. We wanted to make another one but our art teacher says "no".
well...then...i hope she likes it!

well, her sickness was a secret to us, ...what we know is its really serious. We all hope she gets well really really really soon ! all well with her normal happy face again!

*smiles big

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