Tuesday, February 9, 2010

* growing up quickly? i dont think so..

WHich do you prefer? grow up faster or enjoy your time as what you are?
Well, most people might say growing up faster but thats different to my option. I dont really want to grow up quickly, i want to cherish my wonderful childhood years. Why? i dont really know...its just that way....its just i wont have to worry about growing up thingy, crushes or boyfriends, dresses or gossips , relationships, etc..
as a child, i want to have fun being crazy, fooling around, having fun with friends who are tomboys (sassy girls, our club!) . Like exploring around the neighbourhood barefooted, or getting your toes in muddy grasses, plucking worms from plants, catching grasshopers, lying on grass, jumping from your home's stairs, etc..
If i was 4 years older, i bet none of us would be doing that kind of stuffs again, we would probably be gathered in a room with a gossip magazine in the middle while we " whisper whisper...have you heard about the newest couples??...shh!" .
Booring. But i bet i will find it interesting in 2014.
and maybe, we will start flirting, or start applying make up and get more interested in fashion.
ooh so totally not sassy girls, we were more interested in outdoors and animals. and i love it.
And, when we reached secondary 4, we will have to say goodbye to our beloved school and maybe be transferred to maybe s'pore or malaysia well who knows?!
aw...changes. I hate that word! changes changes changes, grr...you ruined everything!

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