Thursday, March 11, 2010

* How will i survive?!

I, m tortured...I am suffering!
(these two words are really a perfect match eh?)

Why was i even bornt unhealthy? Im certain i was born weak and well, weaker than normal peeps and here are some lil' proofs:

1. Its like i cant barely survive a month without a nosebleeding period. Im certainly not exageratting ( however u spell that) , i got nosebleeding in the middle if science class one day and it was unstoppable, i dashed to the toilet twice and used up like the whole tissue roll. And i saw a little blood left on the floor when i ran while covering my nose. EW! Know whats the cause for the blood? The heat. Gosh, yeah, i know...right!

2. two days ago, me, Katie and Mom went to Cambridge and tried this new place call " buttercup" , MOM ordered for us onion rings and french fries for a treat. I didnt eat that much and it has been months since i last ate them and when i woke up the very next bet.....sore throat and cough. When i talk, its like rusty metal whisper. Its not fair! my friends can go munching on potato chips, cheetos, french fries, fried chicken everyday and still be fresh and healthy! ooooh dang it..

3. When it rained that day and we really had to get out of the car. Someone offered us an umbrella, one by one, he helped us cross the road. Well, you know, since i was the smalles, i wouldnt take up so many spaces right? and in that case? i wouldnt really get drenched by rain water right? WEll yeah, i only my sleeves was damp but Mom and Katie were worse...idk. But guess who wind up getting flu next dau which lasted for the whole month? Thats right? Oh -so-unlucky me!

4. Some of my friends..i mean MOST of them, if they got flu or something, maybe just some sip of medical waters and then TARA! next day or maximum 3 would be gone. But mine, the highest record is 1 month and 1 week. feel my suffers people (now i am exaggerating!)

5. I am not allowed to play in our school's big wide full-of-animals-even-snakes-and-leeches-yeah-you-name-it-and-not-to-be-unexplored field! This was what me and my best mates always do, but now, im banned from it...
Heres how it goes:
We checked if it was hot, NO. And so we ran wildly like some savage girls. Play in the breeze , when the heat came. We dashed back to the tree for shade and VERY patiently wait for the breeze to come again. ANd so, i succeed in not adding any black spotties a.k.a freckles in my faces again..or so i thought!
When i went home, Mom would look shock at the sight of me, like i am some featherless chicken. ANd exclaim : " MEI! have u been under the sun again! You are blacker than ever!"
And she would repeat the same fact again of how white as snow i was when i was a baby.
BABY hello! I cant always look white as long as i live! That would be for me! No fun or adventures!
Oh god!

Any suggestion? reply : chatbox...underr....!

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