Saturday, March 20, 2010

* lala laaaaa ( LLAAA!)

well, this singing started at the VERY first morning at 9 am, remebered that the recording for the audition is this tuesday and panicked. Ended up in our karaoke room at third floor and strated practising.
WEll i had a day..

At karoake room : my voice was hoarse and tired and boring and weak. It changes sooo much! gosh i hate hate it! YEs i have to admit i nearly cried. :(, so childish i know but u havent heard what i cried for... horrible....just horrible. I practised and triiiied for countless time feeling frustrated
SO, mom decided to send me to her old singing teacher .

AT her house:
I guess its better here, but she wasnt really satisfied....
" your voice, isnt powerful enough, it is it perfect no....andd, the song is very boring'
what the= __"
Any nice comments?

Well, i learnt that u have to open your mouth wide if u want to sing a high part and oh, your eyes have to look up until the bones of ur teeth hurts.. like, i heard that for countless times.
And there's another student i barely know , its my time, students arent suppose to come earlier than told. Well i was 5 minutes late but being late is a better thingy :D
i hate singing infront of someone i dont know at all. And she's using my time for her Memory Song, 2 times! cheaters!
I barely learnt anything. Just some same ole basics and vocals,


Well at least i improved n thats already satisfying me..


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