Sunday, March 14, 2010

* Turtle day..

Did i mention that Mr. Esio Trot died like 8 days ago? Ok , i didnt, well its just so sad, he was only with me for about 2 days and a half and then he left me...forever..:(
Well, in exchange, we bought those tiny local turtles instead for our little fish pool. They are seriusly cute i tell you, those innocent eyes and grumpy looking mouth, those scratchy and sharp nails wiggling when they struggle to escape from my hands. lols. true i have been 'torturing' them awhile by plucking them up , wiggling them, doing some jet coaster at them, and flipping them backwards. Dont get me wrong, im still an animal lover not some torturer, just want to see their reactions...

The Fish SHop which Mr. Esio Trot came from gave us 3 for freee cause they are to blame for his death. ver generous huh?
When we release them into the water, the fishes began nibbling on them immediately like they are some displays which made me shriek in horror and the idea of 'fishes eat turtles' came to my mind..stupid yeah i know..
But then i learnt that when these cute creatures grew up in years, they are the ones who will actually bit and EAt the fishes. Oh not cute at all..

Today, when we co-in-ci-dence-ly past some fish stores, i begged dad to stop and check if there were any tiny turtles to add in our pool, 3 is a few. He allowed but refused to get down.
Anyway, when we enter the dirty shop without a door and space to walk, i noticed some plastics filled with water and tied with a band floating in a tank of water. Inside was like...thousands of red wriggly thingy, they look sooo tiny and not to mention disgusting, and one more, they stink.

Mom let me choose 7 of them, the apek there then just threw them in a box which was once storing some ugly artificial deco for dish tanks. I was like " WHAT?!" , i mean it could have died! there were 7 of them an the box was just like 5x7 long? But he just calmly replied " its fine"
FIne , whatever u say..

Well, i left the box at the car when we ate for lunch and visited the DVD store beside it. It was 2 hours in total and i remembered that o had left the box COVERED! So i panicked and pleaded dad to turn on the car immidiately. I opened the box directly and fish out my darling babies and they were as dry as....well as dry could be. Before they were wet since they came from a tank.

At home, one by one, i dramatically drop them to the pool , and boy they were like jet planes swimming and struggling away from the nibblers..well i thought turtles are slowpokes...ha! sometimes, the encyclopedia..LIES! as if i have the interest to flip over one.. last, 10 turtles...muah!'

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