Saturday, April 17, 2010

* business week

So, today is the business week! woke up at 8 am and zoomed off to school directly.

Everything was smooth flowing there, even our garage sale booth which i thought that was going to be avoided by everyone, and we'll just stand there feeling ashamed but..., yeah i admit its pretty "laku", people kept on coming and browsing through our "trash", but they were always asking for discount. HUH , irritating people, we have been providing the cheapest price and fairest price and still not satisfied? Gosh, but anyways, we fulfill their little wish, discount it. But lesser, not as much as they wanted. I mean RP 8 and they are asking for RP2?
Aaand, the homemade weird sand dolls made by my loyal ole nanny which i predicted would be untouch until the end of the day was sold out. WOWW!!

I had my prefect duty for JAIL BOOTH. Its pretty fun actually,not as boring and time-wasting ad i thought, all i have to do is follow the rule and catch people and dragging them to the bamboo jail and watching them shout in dismay. You had to pay Rp 5 or stay there for half hour. Lucky i was a prefect huh?

Went to the IGCSE booth with Felishia, Calvin, Cynthia and Jane. The booth's really dark and creepy looking but the activities inside. Pretty fun and challenging but CYnthia, she kept on telling us the answers since she had went there before so i wasnt actually surprised.

Next, i finally gave in to eneter the horror booth after awhile of thinking, and my sayings of "what if"s, and some breath in and breath out thingy, and cooling myself down. I paid for the ticket and sat at the waiting line. I was then confident of entering, but Felishia was like:
" What if the ghost touch us?! "
"You hear them screaming?? AHHH!!!"
" Sel, im afraiiidd! WHat if the ghosts grab your feet??!!"
" ihhh...WIN!!! im scaredd!"
" look at that! 'i may look cute. But you wont like it when i am mad. It will be something you'll never forget' afraid! im afraidd!!"
"Let us just back out!"
" Sel! when we enter, the ghosts will start haunting us you know!"

and so on and on. Yeah, she's freaking me out more.

The the horror booth was...yeah..scary but, it was kinda fun you know, to have some thrilling in life..
Actually, i was scared like..CRAZY, u wouldnt understand how scared i was and how hard i tried not to show it. But at the same time, i was dying to try the booth..and u must understand..that doing that is a terribly hard thing to do for me im afraid..:(
(so dramatic)

Well, when i entered the booth, creeping behind zennia . Darkness comes before us.. it was sooo dark u barely can see. And it was a bad sign, i knew directly. ANyways, after 3 seconds of nervouse walking, there was a girl leaning on the wall head down which slightly turned up as we passed and touching our arms. There was some people hiding behind the curtains making some " heeeeur!!" sounds. Walaoe. That didnt scare us at all. But the sound effect, really creepy. Goosebumps were rising, i dont even know what goosebumps are but they sound really nice to use to describe a creepy feeling.
And then more feet grabbing, and face touching, and moaning, and screaming and then before we know it. We were out.
really? it seems like just like..4 minutes??
I was breathless all right, but really, it wasnt as scary as i expected. But well, i already had more than enough. Started to get on my feet when someone told me that there was actually a stage 2.

Stage two wasnt any scarier then stage 1, it was really silly. With a girl wearing a witch hat and a scary mask , and many girls with white painted face and red/black eyes. some more ghosts haunting and spooking.
When they touch my legs, i said " do i have nice legs?"and Felishia did the same thing but that wont stop them too. In the end, the ghosts all huddled behind us while we were struggling to find the handle of the door to the exit moaning and reaching out. I was glad when the door was then slammed at their noses.
HEy?! i survived!!! hey world! selina irwan of Indonesia, Medan, age 11 bornt in march 4 1999 has survived both stages of the horror booth! i know i know, shocking news eh? what daredevil she is...ckckckc ( never mind )

Next stop. Fantasy Land. Waaaaw. really nice..

Had an Art Auction but i guess i'll stop here. About that, tomorrow lah....i capek already you know....ah! give me rest for awhile cannot meh?

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