Wednesday, May 12, 2010

* Bangles !

Hey hey hey! guess what? no no no, i did not get a horse or something like that. 'Kay fine, will just tell you. I bought new bracelets and necklaces! woohoo!
Yeah, i know its not really a big deal. But stuffs like buying accessories are kinda a BIG deal for me , it rarely happens. The nice ones i have seen was kinda expensive and i knew better than to ask mom to buy it.
But it just happens that this friend of mama, has started to start a little business of selling trinkets and stuffs like this. So, mom just took me over to her house yesterday, where i can dig in a big box of accessories and mess everything up by taking them out from plastics/wrappers and tossing them wherever i want. But of course, i did it in a polite way, and i put them back in the end anyway.

Well, i have to admit, I have trouble finding the ones that are really nice since some of them are...not really my type. Too too... well, too many flowers in bracelets and big big not-so-nice pendant with 'DESIGNED BY AKI" carved in the back, ( seriously, why bother to put your own name declaring that you designed this thing when its not even well known or even NICE?!), to many sparkly thingy on the headband, to many ribbons and laces and etc!

etc.. finally, i found SOME,~
'Oh, btw, the pocketwatch from the 'PHOTOSHOOT' post came from that big box too!'

hmmm.... this post sounds boring and incomplete without pictures...dont ya think! Its like ice creams without cream which sounds really obvious. Or Selina without Irwan. Or 'Whatever!' without 'duh!'.

So, my mom a.k.a the photographer did me a BIG favor by having them a photoshoots. They pose really well! Like proffesionals i tell you!

Ohh lala~
I love this! even though i dont really think they might suit in wearing.

Mom's favorite!

WIth that small hands of mine. Its hard to keep them from falling!
Have to admit they're really heavy. Thats why my fingers are sliding down!
Bangles Sundae~

'Maybe buying ALL of this for one shopping trip at one certain place may be too much but its really 'cheap cheap'............MURAH!! hohohohhohhho
No wonder Mom gave in. ckckckkckckckk

And , i HAD promised her that i will wear them regularly, even the ones that has been collecting dusts in my drawer. Because, everything she had bought were only sitting like and angel in the corner keeping itself alive by eating dust all day.

i guess this is the end.

buh bye =P

p.s, i gotta give mom compliments! hhehehehe

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