Wednesday, May 12, 2010

* Pasar Beruang experience

so yesterday, i woke up at 7 am in the morning just to have this nasty day at Pasar Beruang. Actually it was all planned yesterday night. I would wake up at 7 , have my breakfast at some place called " akh bihun" , and head Pasar Beruang.. no, i wasnt forced by mom or was me who begged mom to accompany me there since, i've never been to a market before so..... why not?
I had kinda trouble rising at 7 am, cause on weekends (ESPECIALLY SUNDAYS!) i would snooze till 10 am or something.. so 7 am sounds utterly impossible! But i managed was worth it =)
So, i have to admit! A market wasnt exactly how i THOUGHt it would be, roofless, muddy, crowded, smelly, stinky, burning what the-! Well, dont call me someone who expect too much, i mean i didnt know it would be like THIS..
It was like a trail with different kind of stuffs lined up beside you, there are so many different stuffs, even turtle that is about to end up being TURTLE SOUP. And fake branded shoes, and shirts, and sunglasses, raw scary different ugly disgusting fishes and prawns, fruits , veggies etc...
Just as i thought.
WELL, with me bending down at items like some idiot with a camera really did attract eyes, some people thought i was a tourist from S'pore, some just stared, some volunteered to be photoed ( *bad result!), some murmurred " hey, she's got a camera".. but never mind!
Instead of different sort of items selling there, there are also different sorts of people...some of them were sweating like crazy, some were pouting and sighing and seems to be frustrated with his work, but some were cheerfully working while chatting. They are the ones who volunteered to be photoed when i was zooming in the raw shrimps ( yuck), they were like:
" ey, dek, jangan cuma foto barang laa.., foto om om ganteng ini juga dong! nanti klo uda foto nanti nempel di kamar adek ya? hahahahaa"
Well, so i did.
There were also beggars there btw, the saddest thing i have seen for the day, there are 3 btw. 1 was limbless, one had a limbless and non limbless feet, the other one had 2 'cant-move' legs. I gave them each some $ of course, like usual, me, cckckckcckkc ( LOL). They returned me with a " xie xie ya xiao adek" and a smile. That was really a sad sight a tell you!
1st beggar: the limbless one was sitting in a wheeler begging for coins with a tired face
2nd: the half limbless one was crouching in the floor feeling desperate and tired, looking up at us 'able to walk' people begging for mercy, he seems like wanting us to do a favor by dropping some coins in his worn out bowl.
3rd: i had passed him twice. In the first time, he was looking all weak begging for money ( of course) in the floor . Second time, he was like lying in the floor with egg storage for support , crying.. he seems to hate himself for being so miserable. No doubt, he is

You see? such poor people? how can i bear NOT to help? awwww

oh anyway, i think i wrote way too long. The pictures will explain it.
Pretty flowerS???
What i called the fake branded shoes.. exp: 'crocs'
I never actually tried a lemon..but they look nice actually..dont they?
i 'think' they are called Paprikas.
Chickens in a coop just behind a vegetable stall. I hope they do know they are soon gonna be beheaded and fried and chopped and served.
Ripe cornyyy
Salty egg..pretty cool huh?

Look at its eyes!! COOL!

Whats in its mouth? GROSS, there's a rubber band tight around neck? maybe the organs there was pushed by it. MAYBE !
its like 2 feet you know!
*no caption*

Man #1 who claimed they are handsome and were meant to be photoed and his picture must be hung in Selina's room.
Man #2 who agreed.

Man #3
Sunglasses, with fake brands. GUESS, LEVI's...

You can even get 'this' here. OKAY, that wasnt me who took that! * innocent*
the 3rd beggar.. dont he just touched your heart?? you're lucky i didnt zoom in his face or your eyes will be welled up with tears already!
*cluck cluckk!...look at its sad seems to know its gonna be murdered and served to you.

LAP CHIONGGGG! i hate the smell!
fishes in plastics!

Man #5 who claims himself handsome and Man#6 who is pretty shy and is giving Selina's mom to have his picture.
Star fruit

Mr.Becak...lonelyyyyy, i have no i have no moneyyyyyy..isnt that saaddd addddddd...

Well, i have to say that if it wasnt Amah who was such in a rush and impatient that she kept on leaving us and we have to find her every single second, i could have snap more things and would move things slower.. it was like, one second we have finally found her, next second..*poof* bidee badiboo, she;s gone..

well, yes the day was worth it... but the smell i now smelt like is defintely unaccpeted!

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