Saturday, May 29, 2010

* giddy upp

Yeppssie, yesterday, had my horsie lesson at 8:30 am till 9:45 something. Well, if it wasnt so frying hot, i would have enjoyed it very muchhhh.
I had a different instructor though, he was drenched with sweat after training a new horse and after teaching me, his shirt was like being dunked in the water.
SO, i was disappointed to learn that we'll be doing that boring up down up down technique again. The lesson was similar to what we had last week except i learnt more stuffs, yeap, gotta say that this instructor knows more.
I had a little accident, i almost slipped from the saddle! luckily, the instructor stopped Mora just in time or else i'll be deserted in the sand. And one time, i wasnt quite prepared yet, my hands were wiping sweats on my sweaty shirt and my foot were not where it was suppose to be and Mora suddenly just galloped away! The instructor yelled " WHOAAA" and Mora came to a halt.
Oh god, its soo burning hell there. Sweats kept forming which is SO annoying.

Well, i 'almost' could perfect the 'up down' thingy except my leg position kept running away, i was stopped alot of times just to point out errors of my legs. I can tell that Mr. Sweaty Guy was annoyed that the same errors was repeated, even after his long speech , i did the same mistakes which i know frustrated him except it isnt showing. Well, to admit, me myself is annoyed with myself.

FInally after what seems like a wink, lesson's finish.
eh? so fast? and i barely got anything except a few sprains and back ache.

(WELL, at least Mr.Sweaty Guy did not speak weird english)

Mom snap countless photos. But i reckon you'll soon snore of boredom, and anyways, most of the results are pretty enough to make you puke due to my extremely sleepy face. Mind it, i am not an early riser. So, excuse the covered face of mine by the horse riding hat.

the faul and its momma. gosh, the faul, he's so DEAD CUTE. whenever i pet him, he would jump up and down like bambi in a playful way and would start walking near to you. Kicking his thin legs like a crazy dwarf. When he would bend down to nibble some grass, he would spread his two front legs for balance and support. aw, i wanna bring him home..
This horse, idk whats actually wrong with him, we were just admiring his beautiful skin when he started to bare his ugly yellowish teeth at us every minute. It made Katie goes " ew". I guess there's something itchy since he kept rubbing them on the metal fence. Thats dirty boy!
and. his teeth is really ugly, you have to admit right? i wonder when was the last time he brushed his teeth, 10 months ag0?
Mom , Dad and Katie followed me. Its a burden for them to roam around the ranch or sit at the stools to wait for an hour. But hey, i didnt insist they should come.
and thats Katie having fun with a horse for a picture while me, having lessons behind the white fence.
*yikes*. my face is worth comparing to a baboon's.
zoomed in of my half asleep face. horrible i know it. dont need your comment. LOL
*saddle first. my hands were gripping tight that its producing sweats and its all red and swollen.
the helmet whatever this ridiculous but awesome hat is called is too big. So, i really had a hard time riding while adjusting .
oh wow, just realised that. i am SO little and short.
Mora posed great here~
*sigh. blindfolded againnn.
my 'bengooong' face. for pete sake knock some sense on that day dreaming girl!
saddle then reins. reins looks more 'proffesional" but its harder than i though! * puff puff
Well, finally, my sleepy face is revealed. Oh wow, he's so gorgeous.
Mora, the horse i had lessons with. He looks filthy all right, its kinda unfair that he's the one used for training lessons. he;s not properly groomed =(
This is me after i took off the helmet.
believe me, i actually drank 3/4 of the bottle in 15 seconds. you'll do that too if you have been under the hot sun for more than an hour with long sleeved shirt, jeans and sweaty helmet.

WELL. what a dayy XP

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