Thursday, May 20, 2010

* Nest Spotted!

whoa, i really really cant wait for tomorrow! instead of hoping that time would pass slower, i was kind of hoping just for thursday, it would break a leg and go fasterrrr.. cause tomorrow will be my first riding lesson in er...tuntung something.
Wow, i still cant believe it. One day, i was desperate for a horse riding session and the next day my dream came true. Yeah, but after 3 years! But a HORSE. HORSE HORSE HORSE! * squeaaaaals . HORSE PEOPLEEE!!
MOm, she finally agree after some thinking and some discussing with dad. I thought that my dream was gonna fade away after i saw the price. Omigoshhh, its worth it for me.
But since Mama and Papa is just the best parent ever, of course they couldnt say no to their beloved daughter!
I'd give up my iTouch and everything obvious just to own a lil' pony, yes, you got it, call me a horse-freak and i will be more than pleased. I dont really know why im so crazy about this slim 4-legged creature.. well, its just sooo, elegant, handsome ( hohohohoho) , and magical. And what more, you can even jump on his back and giddyy uppp~ I love love them.
Unless they kick you in the butt though.
well, anyways, i spotted a nest in the tree that was planted infront of our house. The irritating noise of the baby birds chriping annoys me and led me to the tree. Tilted my head and looked up. Ah! a nest.
This is the 3rd time i've seen a real nest. Nest a really rare ya knowwww.
Still, its hard to see this lil' nesttyy cause its perched waayyy uuupp in the branches even Mom's DSLR lenses when zoomed in to the max couldnt get the birdies.
Even when i tried to climb and almost ended up tumbling to the ground to have broken bones.
So, i shook the tree and the stupid chirping stopped. *am so mean*

zooomed to the max.

Climbed and almost fell to mom. oops XP

looking up helplessly at the annoying nest. Its hiiiiiiighh hidden in the leaves.


okay, i know i shouldnt expect so much.'
*signed off.

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