Monday, November 30, 2009

* Emberrased( is this how u spell it?)

I never had a PROPER emberrasing moment before...bcause, most of them arent really THAT emberrassing n some of that are just TOO emberassing.

Well this is alright to be blurt out in public.

Its that i just cried in school. Ok . No big deal but d reason is really funny.

I got a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll looooooooooooowwwww mark at my bahasa long test which is over 80.

I think its more than 50% but trust me, i failed.
At first, i tried to wear a smile ( which worked) to show that i didnt care really much when my heart was already half-filled with tears....
Our teacher announced our score out loud and i was really shy about it. Everyone laughed loudly when hearing it. Man so EMBERRASED!
I had to smile to so people wouldnt know i was mad inside at them for laughing.
When i packed my bag. I really wanted to cry now. N sadly, i did.
I thought i would stop after a minute but was like half hour!
I was the attraction of everyone. SOme tried to soothe me.

Whats worse is when i walk at the MPH with Zennia ,Calvin n Boin. I was attracting eyes and whisperings.
Ms.Nita, our bahasa teacher told me that theres no need for crying. n just show her what i can do when sa1 comes
and she says that i had passed actually, cuz i had a score more than 50% but she expect higher marks from our class. So theres no tears needed.

56 over 80! MAN! Too BAD to b TRUE.


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