Thursday, December 17, 2009

* dad's habit

Dad's habit is smoking non stop.
I remembered saying many many times to him not to smoke and remembered hearing the same answer of saying that he is stress.


SO years n years passed by and dad's health is getting worse.
But even though this happened and doctors informed him not to smoke.
His hand just cant help from taking cigarettes from the cigeratte box.

Months ago, i have surfed the internet to find the disadvantage about smoking and sent it to dad's e-mail cause i know he opened it everyday and when he saw it. He TRIED not to smoke and have promised me not to. Well he successed one night that consist of 5 hours awake. ( people dont smoke when sleeping)]
But the next day, he was caught smoking ! Three sticks!
He cant hold it.

hmm hmm...
is there any pills that cant stop smoke addicters??

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