Friday, December 18, 2009

* The Stranger experiment

Since these days are sort of booring and quiet...
I always have nothing to do. And HOLIDAYS ARE HERE.
Double booring. Not like i love school.

I gave a mini challenge to myself.

Stare at a stranger until they look away. ( mission 1)

Oh yes i succeed. It was yesterday and i was targetting 2 small children as my experiment. At first. None of them look at my direction but the girl accidentally looked here and i looked at her.
She stare at me for somewhile and then whisper something to her ugly lil' bro. As if it was trying to let me stop staring.
They both stare at me and i stare back, as if they had 3 heads.

And well i succeed after they gave up and looked away.

(mission 2) look at a stranger up to down and pretend to laugh.

It happened at my tuition.
I look at a girl older than me and look at he from up to down scanning. Then pretend to muffle a giggle.
She looked at me , embarrased and walked away.
Okay, it was mean.
Just as if i was critscizing her clothes when there's nothing wrong with it. entertaining myself.

(mission 3) sigh deeply infront of a stranger and show frustated and annoyed face while blinking quickly (you know that).

i did this to every stranger i saw with an annoyed face. It makes them as mad as WHAT?

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