Thursday, December 10, 2009

*A day of life

Today's really really tiring and busy ALL because of the passport photo thingy that cause it!

We went home from school at 11:10. Oh ye..forgot something!
But im sure you all wont need this BREAKING NEWS or HEADLINE anymore! Trust me, if you didnt guess it , you will hit your head and say, " thats right! Why cant i forget?"

Wel...its SA1 HAS ENDED!!

SO let us all bid our goodbyes to the times when everyday is STUDY STUDY, and all you can see everyday is a booklet of papers with questions, and no more worried moms.
Carefree days HELLO!
Woohooo! Toast! YEeha! Oh yeah! Great!

Done with the celebration pls..
ANyway...after 11:10. And then lunch and rest whatsoever etc..we went out to take our pics in the passport pic taking place.
Ugh..hate it there.

There were no rules. EVeryone cutted lines.
The place was sooooo teeny tiny
EVeryone look at me as if i had 5 heads.
It stinks there
They workers there were trained to work like a turtle

N the workers there even called each other stupid, mad, crazy !
I had to hold my breathe when there were people crowded infront of me,
There were people picking noses, eyes, ears and rubbing noses. EW.
AND the fat man there had to hold our hand to do the finger printing. I hope i dont get the cooties of the nose picking, ear diggers, nose rubbers and eyes picker people.
Stayed there for hours. Its all the fault of the stupid man who pretends not to care about everything!
I inhale and exhale ddeeeeeeply after going out and gagged.
Went to Brastagi supermarket . Thats already 4 something. HEy! Mayb no KUMON lesson for me then! I kept quiet about tat hoping mom would say when we go home, " Oh my! Its alredy 5 in the evening! Its all my fault! You dont have to go to your tuition today mei."
And i'd cheer out loud. But she sent me to that place!
My correction and works there was 3 cm thick, KYAAA!!!

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