Friday, December 11, 2009

* WHich is better? Ants suffering or humans suffering?

As u know..i just moved in a new house with workers tok toking or ngiiing ngiinging whatsoever.
Thats a BIG problem.
Sometimes, it was SOOO loud that i cant be heard even when shouting at the top of my lungs. Its stressful , i tell you. Cant DO anything. It just forced me to turn off the CD player. The song was awful with them around.

Problem number 2.
Oh yes theres problem 2.
BLACKOUT! It happens every 20 mins! LIGHTS here! Enjoy the TV, read books and play the computer altogether in 20 mins when -
TV turned off. Computer going to sleep. Books cant be seen. Driving me to the road of madness.
For Problem number 3.
And not just any ants oh no! t
I cant remember having a day without seeing them marching in a wobbly line .
THey are like EVERYWHERE.
I step them till they RIP and cut them to parts. HEad, Body and legs.
Its a REVOLTINGG sight. But ive been bitten by one of them and it hurts soo much that a bear could just jump 5 feet high if they were bitten ( joke)
Dad sprayed Baygon all over our room and i feel like living inside a Baygon bottle bcause of the smell.
Some ants I mean ALL of them laid dead infront of our bathroom.
Hiii...imagine having dead creatures inside your room. its like your room is a cemetry.
Wonder if their ghost will lure....

I was realy amazed with the Baygon bcause its really ODD. Imagine you, as an ant being spray by some stinky water and then you suffer to death.
Just water! Its like being sprayed by smelly water.! all i hav to do is wash myself..
But the Baygon is POISONOUS and i dun really know how much it hurts.
It looks DEADLY painful bcause i hav watched many insects suffering after being sprayed.

Poor thingies..

But what do you think? Is it better if INSECTS suffered with Baygons ( insect repellent) or us suffered being bitten by mosquitoes and ants?


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