Thursday, January 21, 2010

* Dream dream dream

Well yesterday , when i had my stupid swimming lesson, stupid because it doesnt help me in growing much, anyway, that time, i noticed how unfair life is.
Well really, i dont mind that unfair like beggars would think. I meant a teeny complaint and its about my height! Ok, so you see.... my height is just 138 cm and thats too short for and average 11 year old girl , i feel sad about it, and to make things look more unfair! Its Katie growing and me looking as if im shrinking when its me that has swam nonstop and doesnt skip swimming lessons and chat with cousin Brendon or take pictures with KateBerry!! SO why was i just growing an inch in 6 months when SHE grew like 5 cm? Its soooo noooot fair! She has skipped lessons with reason of us leaving her, yeah cause she's just too slow and her turtle action is doing it on purpose so we can leave her and she'll be happy happpyyyy and pretends to get mad. harr harr..
and i have told mom manny maany maaaany countless timeto just let her quit her lessons cause she just wasting precious money, we go to the pool to swim for gudness sake! not chat , play or take photos with KateBerry, you better stay home then! But did Mom listen? i think by my words you can guess the answer, she says give her a chance. A chance A chance! or you mean 28 chances!
And why do i think that God ought to not let me be the KIND of person that will always be short no matter what( there are these kinds and i inherited them,) and let Katie went on like a giraffe cause im the one who has big dreams popping into her little mind every moment.
But some of them are already popped by the comments of others like " its impossible!", its like a sting or needle/
Like first, i wanted to be a international very very famous and pretty model but yeah you can laugh now if you want cause nearly everyone secretly know its impossible yet kept on encouraging me! I dreamt about me posing in the red carpet and appear in magazines with the headline " famous pretty model selina irwan shows up prettily in the red carpet!!!"
i've got everything planned up that time, i'll get rich soon and will have a mansion in hollywood" I got excited and told mom about it and she just laughed and told me its impossible, look at my height and she found this funny and told my grandma and aunt.
So, kick away my planned model life future and dreamt about being a cowboy. ye'all know i love horses and countryside and horseriding! But then, i heard people saying that a cowboy has to be tall! So....

So now im left with no ambition and find it hard to answer some paper you have to answer on your first day of school about yourself. Well theres one actually, a singer but...

Aw forget it.

Many times when i saw some dwarfs passing by in malls or streets i would whisper to Mom : " gee, they are really short!" and her shocking horror reply is that 80 % of her predicting is that i'll be like them!! OH NO OH NO! and now, instead of dreams im getting nightmares!
really???!!! cause im already almost catching them up! like 5 centi or what!

And sometimes when i was accidentally standing beside a 3rd grader, i was as tall as them or even ..............shorter.

Gee, i even drank milk evryday so whats the freaking problem?! and yucky blucky protein drink too! But they worth nothing y know.
And ihave another problem , my 3 years old cousin is almost as tall as me already............

LIFE LIFE LIFE is really UN UN UN UN FAIR! *sob...

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