Wednesday, January 20, 2010

* Pissed me OFF

yeah, are you aware of our Grand Opening coming this Saturday btw?
well the rehearsals are pissing me off! And the sun is making it much much much worse!
I think with all concerts rehearsals i've ever experienced, this the worse, everyone thought so too anyways, i've seen many many unhappy faces in my friends. And oh, i have a looooong list of WHYs to support no no no....well never mind!
Ok, here it goes!:
WHY??? WHY?!!! should we rehearse under the hot sun?
WHY? should we repeat many many times?
WHY? cant we rest for awhile?
WHY? do tr. Chen yan have to boss us around?
WHY? are we not allowed to speak a word or walk everywhere we want?
WHY? must we pat the dirty wet grass that sticks into our hands and drop to our laps when we do our kneeling dances.?

Kinda long huh? Pretty impressed myself! Well yea i gotta admit i took a long time to think all these whys.
Anyway, after thinking again , HA! i got the word right! ; i have a list of WHYs to support my complaints.!

oopse my bad, i think i have another why that just suddenly pop into my mind. Most important i think:

WHY? cant we just do our concert in the freezy relaxing MPH? Instead of the frying burning frying-pan-like field?? UGH!
Thats what ruin tho wholeee thing!
OK, i know we will be doing the concert at the field in the MORNING so luckily the sun isnt too hot, hot yes a bit but i heard that it kinda healthy.
But WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY must we rehearse in the field in the aft- wait a sec, got it wrong! YES i was right that we should do the concert in the MPH cause i remembered that we did the rehearsal at 8 something to 10 something and thats in the mooorning...
And, the sun, is VERY VERY VERY VERY scary and its enough to make you sweat in seconds...i think , if im wrong then just look as if i exaggerating..

Yeah we should do the concert and rehearsal in the MPH. Thats my feedback anyway, not like there are any feedbacks!

Well, i agree that having a concert at the field is kinda cool and nice yea but hottest enemy ruined it! SUN! SUN!
you are my sunshiiinnneee, my only suuunshiiiine, you made me angryyy, i waannt tooo faaaiiint,, you never knooww dear, how muchh i wished thaaat, one day i can just kick you awaaaaayy...
lame i know, forget it.

And tr.chen yan too i might add, she is so serious! And she just told us to go here or there and then found out that she commanded the wrong instruction.
She was the one who told us we cant speak or move or sit or blahblahblaaah.
SOrry miss.

Well, i think i insulted the rehearsal enough. So ciao

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