Friday, February 5, 2010

* How dare she..

Remember my post about that bitch BBMing Katie etc..? Well if you didnt then you will never ever see it cause it has been secretly deleted by her.
How could she? that was one of the post i was proud of! Proud of because i had wrote it with my feelings and i did it just to help my sister but i should have knew...i should have guessed that instead of thanking me and treating me better, something bad would have happened!
Oh gosh...why did i even think of forgiving her ? Remembering all those bad things she has done to me after i've helped her and treat her nicely. I guess she didnt notice since she's too busy with her TEEN life.
why did i even think of forgiving her again and again for countless times after she has slice my heart into two every second?
It 's just...i just stare at blogger blank screen with a blank mind without anything to write, but the sudden pop of Katie's face when she talked about that bitch came into mind and ' well, im going to help her...this time...just this time'...

ANd one day, when she viewed my blog. She came thundering to me demmanding whats this about. WHAT?
is she going to thank me? keep dreaming Selina..
what she says was : " how dare you write about that!! stupid! its suppose to be a secret! you cant keep a secret! hate you!"
what? she never said that! How dare she make things up just to cover her errors! im 100% sure she didnt say that!

and the next day...when i was still lying on the carpet watching iCarly show on Nickelodeon, she suddenly came marching to me : " you know your post about that? well i delete it already! huh!"

( i went white..) " what? draft or delete!!??"



"because i want to"

" how dare you open my account!"

and then i went away!


She is the one who makes my life miserable.
And she is the reason of the teardrops in my pillow.
She is the reason why i pout all day.

Mom and Dad used to say : " treat her nicely! you treat her bad thats why she is treating you this way!"
And i would reply the same reply :" MOm, dad. you dont know her! why dont you believe me for once?"

I get soo frustated and cross and gave up.

I hope after what she has done will prove them that all these years..i have been right.
And i dont even care about this post. It hurts her. Pff!
if she delete it...all she has to do is wait and see cause i have evrything planned i here.
a knife..
JUST KIDDING! i wouldnt do anything that harsh! well but still, im plotting....


One thing that made me sooo eager to know and learn is WHY wouldnt she wake up from her BlackBerry world and focus on her Irwan Life?
WHy cant she treat me better? just better!

I've had enough!


I was to write about ANIMAL ABUSE but well....i've got better topic..

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