Thursday, February 4, 2010

* achoo. big deal.

GREAT. just great!
i m trapped with some stupid flu spreaded some thougthless spreader , gosh, why do people still go to school when they havent learnt how sneeze or cough while covering and their cooties will be spread... simple.
And they wouldnt care about their germs that i accidentally breathe in, really how can i know which air contains virus or what, it not like i have to smell everytime i want to breath to check first, yeah i wouldnt get sick maybeee but i would earn the name of maybe NERD or JERK or DUMBO....or...or any names you use to call a stupido

I hate getting cold. not cold as is "brrr...i a freezing to death" but cold as in " aa..a...choooo!! oops...sorry!". You know how it felt right?
Sneezing every second in class ; embarrassing!
Having the voice of a mouse ; oh so uncomfortable
coughing in mid sentence ; virus spreader
having to take medicines; ohhh ughhh gross!

among these four terrible reasons, i just cant chose one that is better or the worse, they are all 100% bad for me.
Sneezing in class??!! for the past 3 weeks, i think i have sneezed for like the 45 times and hearing 15 comment of " eww!!"
How humilitating is that?

having the voice of a mouse; okay, not really a mouse but i cant think of any animals! its beyond words, no creature has the voice of this. Like...nostrils sound? its just like someone pinching your nose while you speak. Give it a try, and get shock . thats how poor victims like me have to survive getting hanged with that voice.

coughing in mid sentence ; " hey, did you all hear about the...aaahh..kouhh! keehh!! KEHHH KEHHH!!!! keh... ahhaha...sorry...anyway..." but before you can finish your sentence , your friends have backed off with disgusting-blended-with-terrified face.
But really, i tell you, the feeling when i sneezed or cough, my throat feels like something is punching or like its in fire??? neither...beyond words too....

having to take medicine; or STINKY medicine i might add, after all these 10 years....of course each year i had at least had 15 times of gagging on medicines,yep 15 times, my body's health is really lame , i have never tasted any bottle which i would drool at or ask for more, oh my goodness thats a BIG no doubts or maybe or lying NO! NO NO NO NO!!
Medicines are number one in my " things i hate very very very much yes very very much now dont bother me cause im sure with my decision! " list. This coughing medicine i was forced to take was.....sour...really..sour
enough to make you screw up your face and pour in the whole jug of water inTo your mouth, which jut happened an hour ago and IS going to happen this minute.

gah!! GAKKK!!

when is this stupid fever or flu or cold ( i dont carrree!) going to push off and leave me alone??
It has been...been..
( * counting*,
3 weeks and 4 days!! oooh im sooo freaking right now.
4 worries pops to my head now:

1. what if it never go away?
2. what if i have to suffer forever?
3. what if noone wants to be near me again?
4. what if i had to gag down poison 3 times a day for the REST OF MY LIFE??

Oh btw, i puked yesterday! sorry for sharing you this disgustingo news, too bad if you read it. :(
Well, its part of the flu session right? '
its like this, i was alone in the dinner table playing with my food absent mindedly staring at my half finished dinner... i let one big spoonfull of rice enter my mouth just in unlucky time when i felt like coughing. I cough of course since it was unbearable and then the foods entered then wrong tube i think since thats what most people says when they vomitted.
Then, a transparent rubber band seems to zoom up from my face to my head. my brain was like tight with bands...
youch. And i closed my mouth with my hands to stop the water from spluttering...( EW EW!! totally a BIG EW)
and i ran to the sink and went all " bleeuuurghhhhhhhh!!!". My maid pats my back.." blleeeuuurghhhhhhh!!!"
oh gross.
i think its too late to tell you to skip that part. well its normal for my family cause it happened once in 5 months.
like i said, unhealthy me.

Oh goshh i am suffering.


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