Wednesday, February 24, 2010

* Romantic Penang!

The only at least interesting stuffs that happened today:

At school: Tr.Reymun first told us some facts about the Haiti ( pronounced heiti) earthquake that had created homeless to many people. And he had encourage us to help, and told us about some people who helped. He then showed us a video of very FAMOUS singers singing, helping the Haiti victims, the money the company gave them was donated to Haiti. Seeing the singers having fun in singing, my only wish right now was " i wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish i could be one of them.."
sigh...if only,,,i have fame. Everyone there is famous, there was Justin Bieber, Fergie, Josh Grogan, Celine Dion, Miley Cyrus, Black Eye Peas, Jonas Bros, and more, i forgot some..They are all amazing, really....i wish i had any of their unique voice..

At the Airport: i met Winny there, she was going to Phuket while me, same ole boring Penang. What a 'co-in-ci-dence'

At Penang: well well...Penang...a romantic place to date huh? I have the prove. After dinner at 10 pm, we walked by the seaside , not really the seaside, there were like walls there and we just walk beside it. Anyway, you dont even call it a 'sea', it looks like a giant canal. There were millions of people sitting there and 90% of them are couples. Well i got tired of walking doing nothing and before i knew it, i was counting couples who were dating. And the result was amazing!
Number of couples= 53!
There were even selingkuhs, i dunno what u call that in english, its like a boy dating two girls. Its sooo disgusting. all selingkuhs couples were the same. The boy walks like a girl, acted like a girl and talks like a girl, and the two girls, laugh with baby voices play pushing the boy while giggling and purring " you're soo bad.! ahhh..ehahahahah...kyaaa"
Oh fetch me a bucket. * bleuuuuurghhh!!
Thank you.
Some couples just you know, chat like usual. Some held hands and stare at each other (boring). Some of them were just quiet, the man put his arms around her chic and the chich cuddle to his chest, oh gross. And there was one couple who were both giggling and hugging each other behind a motorcycle. Wth. But saddllly, kissing, i would like to see one. just kidding, like duh..

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