Thursday, March 25, 2010

*♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

25 March 2010. Volume 3 Issue 25.
Girls spotted smoking!
These two girls were spotted secretly smoking their dad's cigars last Sunday, March 19 2010. We all know that children especially 10 year old girls like them smoking is absolutely unacceptable. WE interviewed the two girls and ask them how they felt
about it. This is their conversation

Selina says : " What ? Us? Oh no.. we did nothing wrong! look, you got the whole situation muddled up okay? lemee tell u guys the real story....Me and Felishia were just fooling around on Mac's PhotoBooth last Sunday while waiting for our friend, Winny's arrival. Saw dad's treasure box in the drawer and decided to use one cigar for a object. "
" and why would u do that?" ( reporter)

"well, we just wanted to try the feeling of putting something in your mouth. and its a bad feeling.
Cant figure out why men love doing this but of course we didnt lit it up. Cant us see in the picture idiot before u start pointing fingers!?"
Selina countinues.

" well, thats not enough proof. But well, can u tell us the feeling of trying a non lit up cigar?" ( reporter )

this time, the cute Felishia spoke up
" Okay, i'll do it... em.. well...u must thought that after trying this, u might think that u might taste something bitter but no, lemmee tell, u. after we both did this. we gape at each other and was like " ohhhh bleuuurghhhh!" and made a dash for the sink cause i tell u, its horribly sweet. not sweet like candy. Sweet in a horrible wayy.Gross. Hahahahah, its really fun! "

" yeah!" Selina agrees laughing

" oh so, u girls mean, u havent done anything little girls like you arent suppose to do?" (reporter)

" Of course ! We are innocent, and how did u pigs even got the picture? Snooping on people's lappie huh? Well i think its bad for some grownup snooping on people's privacy with their nosey noses. Dont ya think so Sel? SO dont blame on people when u yourself r doing stuffs like that! " Felishia remarked.

" well, ( reporter turning red) , so lets make it clear, u girls are absolutely innocent right? "

FElishia and Selina nodding.

" are you sure? have u asked your dad's permission before using the cigar? cause i bet he wouldnt even let u girlies touch it huh? Ha!" ( reporter)

" Oh how long will this dinku stupid interview last? its so gosh, of course my dad know about this! FIrst u think i am song gangster smoking, and then whats on your filthy mind now? Gosh..lets just get to the point. WE.ARE.INNOCENT. okay?!"

thats what the two girl have been saying to defend themselves, they were also spotted spitting furiously on the sink which they claim that the cigar tasted disgustingly sweet. But we have no proof, not enough anyway. But the girls are also protesting that our reporter have been snooping through their Mac to have this photo.

" ( clearing throat) erhm.., so you two arent really smoking. And i guess that i have the wrong idea about you. in that case, i will not sue you two to the court then..well, girls,you know, i am a very busy person. i have not time for lies and silliness. So i gotta go now . See ya later!!"

So thats how this article ended

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