Thursday, March 25, 2010

* Buddy hunting

I finally got the name of my buddy in S'pore. I've been dying to know and i cant just stop my nosy eyes from trying to eye the papers in Ms.Gina's hand that includes her name.
When it was passed, i immidiately flip it open so hardly it almost ripped . Found my name and slides my eyes to the other end.
Celine Ong.
Hmm...,well....i dunno how she might be, she could have long hair, and she may be short and thin like me. or maybe the opposite. she can be an artist, or smarty pants or the sporty gal idk, its up to m to find out on April something'.
Zennia got someone call Lee Xiaotong, well i hope this Celine and Lee Xiaotong are best friends so me and zennia can be together too!
Well..well.. the boys' buddies have long names and some of them are bornt in 1994 and 5. What? good thing i didnt get one that was like 5 years older than me! Phew.

At home, i opened my facebook account and when furiously searching for my buddy . No hope, no luck, no signs.. sheesh
So, i started browsing for everyone's instead, and i found Zennia's, Jerrick's and Joshua's. Sure it was them, cause their status are about their class and the same class we will be going to.
wonering why celine ong has no facebook. This possibilities pops to my mind:

1. her mom might not allow her to make one cause some people think fb rots people's mind. Yeah that works for only dumb people.

2. She might be sooo serious in studying that she has no time for facebook.

3. she might have no interest in Facebook. Like my tech whiz cousin who insisted facebook is boring but the next minute, he's in my friend request and is totally addicted.

4. She might have an account but she could have stylized it to a anime or cooler name?

5. ( well this idea might be to cruel to think of..) but maybe...just a maybe,....she is a loner?

WHAAAAA! thats sooo cruel and evil! But thats a possibility.. i mean ...u know what i mean. But if my predictions are true then i think i will be stuck alone with her and never make new singaporean friends. And i will be sitting alone at lunch time , and in P.E time, no one would pick us!
well, i hope she doesnt read this...i m so bad! but well, can any of ya think of any more possibilities? answer on the cbox pls!! :D

Hmmm...hmm....yeah still, im a baddie. >:-(

Sorry, buddy, thats just an idea. Im not looking down at u. In fact, i cant wait to meet you! wkwkwkwkk

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