Tuesday, March 23, 2010

* Recording!

I didnt go to school today. And i didnt woke up at 6 am.
Pleasure :)
It had a reason though, if u thought that Mom had allowed me to skip school and had a day off u are off your trolley.
And the reason of skipping school is better than school, recording for the album of SIS for Haiti.

came to the recording studio 5 minutes late at 10:05, and had to wait like for another 30 minutes to wait for my turn to sing the " whoaa send them your heart! so they know that someone cares!", i thought we'd all be singing together in the room passing the mic but instead, we took turns and that took forever. WE were sweating like mad outside the recording studio, some of us even rebelled and did a mini demo of complains and protests. Seriously! a little suffering?!
WHen its FINALLy my turn, my heartbeat was like " deg...deg..DEG DEG DEG!" , like usual whenever i had a fright, probably some phobia again, gosh i hate that, its uncontroable.
Anyway, i had like 5 tries before it was perfect, no not perfect, just well fine.
1st try: to much echo
2nd try: wrong position of the mic
3rd try: to soft
4th try: too much echo
5th: " okay "

well well well.....=.="

SO, i roamed around the ugly and hot studio, like some abandoned cat searching for shelter.
Up and down, up n down.
I think i have like sat at 6 chairs. And played 7 games of hamburger and 3 games of slapping hands. And went up and down for 15 times with cynthia.

We also did the video , u know the real one? well i was pretty shocked, i mean i didnt know this recording would b this exciting. We had to go to the mic with headsets infront of everyone and lip sync our part. AT last i got the chance to listen to everyone! and not to mention my own..
And...and...when my part came, i almost fainted but unfortunately i cant since there was an audience infront of me..
I thought that it was some baby singing, Miley's voice was fierce loud and powerful, mine was... soft, weak and.. a bit too chinesey..
Oh gosh.
I listened carefully to everyone's part and wow, all of them were pretty good. Some, some werent that good but at least they tried. i wont mention names :p
well i had to wait for the rest before i recorded for my solo song : over the rainbow.
Tr.Reymun ( the creative head of this project) shooed everyone out since he knew i was some scaredy cat.

I think, its better than the Miley thingy. =.='
u know, the song started with " somewhere over the rainbow.."
and i dun really like the "whereee" in the "somewhere".
i didnt reach the real pitch and there was some coughy thingy. arghh

went home at 5:30 :), god am i exhausted!

Btw, a special thanks to Tr.Reymun, he prepared this all, only HIM . Really amazing huh? could tell thats he must b really tired, i mean me myself the roamer and yawner who only took part in some parts is already exhausted but him? he direct and conduct and stood the whole time.
ckckckc...amazing, thank you! :D

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