Thursday, March 18, 2010

* A step back to the passttt

I was just you know, sudden bored of our life's athmosphere, everything's about tech tech tech and moderni moderni, and puuuurrrfect.
Gosh, if i had a time machine or whatever u call that, i would whisk back to the times where there were wars, or when there were emperors, kings, queens, princesses, and even when there were loyalist or patriots, you know, about the king unfair taxes? or i would love to gooo back the time where there were slaves...or when there were castles, balls, and all girls have to war petticoats or whatsoever. And the time where all poor girls were always told " a gentle lady do not...( blablabla)"
It would be fun..and some sacrficing wouldnt hurt since i can still go back to this booring 2010.

Anyway, using my normal handy surferboard to surf the internet, i found some....yeah useless but made me drool pictures. FOund some about slaves and wars but...iiih! *shudder.
Anyway, here are just some pics about old fashioned stores, advertisments and comics...planned to put someole stuffs but maybe you will be bored halfway soo...
aww..i want comics like thiss!

Playstation during the..the..., its so diff compare to nowadays... im dying to try it!
Nowadays birthday candles are just simple and short, but long ago, they are specially advertised.

I love this picture! old fashioned illustrations are always like this...i dunno how to explain it properly..
stocking ad. really cute...

ooooooooooh! my wish right now is to enter that parlor.

bye bye!

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