Sunday, April 25, 2010

* formspring troubles!

well, after the cbox mess...ckckckckckkc
here comes the mess.!

Seriously, i dont understand why people tend to waste their time to harm a girl named Selina irwan. as i said billion of years ago : sticks and stones may crack my bones but words will NEVER hurt me.
But it seems like people like 'them' cant get the point.
thats what make sooo sad....for them. Worried that their english wont improve any further..
Anyway, thats SOOOO none of my business. I dont half care for people like them who calls me 'idiot', or 'ugly' or 'stupid' or 'bitch'.
No offense.
They are just criticizing themselve. =.=

like today, i was just you know, opening safari and logging in to
and i was kinda shocked to see 6 inbox.

u desribe ur self as SASSY??? ewwww... i think i better go with IDIOT...

if u think ur SASSY THEN UR WRONG...

loser loser double loser...

u r UGLY...

frederick's lover


These 6 love letters for me are written by a same admirer of mine ( joke), cause it was all written 3o minutes ago.
I wonder why she/he is so obsessed with me...

If he/she expects me to:
weep all day
feel hurt
delete my blog
me swearing
or any violent reactions

he/she gotta say bye bye to his wishes cause they are NOT coming true. i think i have to repeat it twice, since u know...they dont understand english.

SERIOUSLY, i dont creat cboxes or formsprings for people to write whatever they want. But if they are just bornt evil....its their choice! im not stopping anyone!

This post is dedicated to my obsessers and admirers who wrote me the love notes :)
my special thanks :)

oh btw, visit to see my responses :)

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