Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Oh god, oh hell, what the HELL is happening now? My life seems to be stuck in the middle of whirlpool and a tornado..

In simpler words: Problems and troubles are creeping into my life butting into my own business ruining everything when i thought 'everything' was just going fine and perfect!

Well, everything seems to go wrong now, and im finding myself less happier. And i have all sort of problems, friendship problems, family problems, school problems, sisters problems and etc..yep u name it. But of course, i wont be telling you guys a hint of it, na-ah, its private. all problems are.
SO know, i gotta be careful of what im writing/typing NOW. You knoww, if i wasnt careful, i can accidentally spill some clues down here and blurt out some stuffs about my problems like my g-
Well, phew. That was CLOSE!

See what i mean?! 3 more words n u guys will definitely solve it.
Thanks for reminding me brainiac.
And dont get me wrong! im not that kind of people who cant keep a secret, anyway, secrets are also part of friendship problems: clue: Lenka's the SHow song: first lyrics

Sometimes, i feel like running to an open field with no one except me and yelled as long and loud as i want like a stress people and roll at the grass and break glasses or do something reckless until im satisfied.

Yeah! im stress! =D

But Oh well, Thats normal, it happened alot of times already and for like months latre, it will soon fade away, or should i say nightmare dies..

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