Tuesday, May 4, 2010

* Hygiene Matters ~

Yes, OKAY.
my dentist who has been helping me with my braces really do understand alot about teeth. I mean, he knows the answers to my questions about teeth and his answers are all reasonable not made up like=
" why is my teeth buck toothed?"
ans: " because you were bornt in the rabbit year"
that, doesnt make sense at all..

BUT BUT BUT, sadly, they dont know what HYGIENE means. Look, i dont just criticized them whenever i want.I have been observing them very very carefully while i was lying in the chair with 3 tubes in my mouth and the dentist mouth haaa haaaa ing in my face. Oh talk about stinkbomb.
But of course i tried not to look suspicious.

BUt these are the stuffs they did which is pretty gross:

1. explore my mouth with BARE fingers that was used to rub face 3 minutes ago
2. stretch my lip as far as u can stretch with their finger and another finger just below my teeth. Oh yuck.
3. inspect my teeth closely and breath with an open mouth. No mask or whatever u call those weird thingies dentist use to cover their stinky breaths. Forgotten
4. touch my teeth and wipe them in their pants and then touch them again.
5. the cups they use for rinse our mouth arent those disposable kind. They were those steel kinds which is reused over and over and over and over again. I doubt that they even wash them. Like " WHY BOTHER?'
5. and the tools and tube they use to suck and spray my mouth. I WONDER and WONDER if they even washed them. What if they were washed once a month???? *shudder.

Its disgusting i tell you. U know, my tongue was getting bored of staying in the same place, and it begin to wiggle itself and the worst thing happened. IT TOUCHED THE FREAKING SMELLY SALTY STUPID FINGAAAA OF THE FREAKY DENTIST. It tasted horrible. Seriously i didnt even swallowed it. I wanted to spit it at his face. But him, he didnt budge. I think he was used to patients licking his smelly fingers.

Well thanks to them. I had a smelly mouth for the rest of the nightt... >=-(

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