Monday, May 3, 2010

* A horror movie

Today's not really a good day for me. Not for the whole class anyway.
And it all happened in Science TIme. I didnt really expect THAT to happen.

So, the experiment we had today for science was frog's stomach cutting, so u know..we can have a view of the frog's respiratory system. Ms.Joyce went hunting for big frogs , 3 actually. Each class a frog. I dont really agree at this idea. Wrong words. I TOTALLY disagree with that idea.
I mean, isnt it cruel to MURDER 3 innocent frogs just to LOOK at their lungs and heart and etc..
A frog is enough to share to everyone right??
Whats the use of murdering a frog and then throw it away, and then murder another one , and then dump it at the bin and then murder again??
you'll just end up with bloody hands and nightmares.

Well, when science class started. The cage tat has the pitiful frog was there. Everyone crowded around it shouting and yelling, excited for the experiment. I can tell by the eyes of the frog. Its really terrified and i think it knew what is going to happen to him. Cause awhile ago, he was accompanied with 2 other froggies. And he watched the whole scene of the murdering. Oh poor little thing.
Well, me too. I watched the whole horror scene with my own eyes.
Well not really all.

When Ms.Joyce announced that its time for the experiment after some boring notes taking, many whooped and cheered. Me and Felishia, we begged her not to.
First, Ms.Joyce scooped the frog with her hand and squeezed it as it struggles so she can have the right position: belly facing her. The belly was bulging actually and i was imagining the ultra sharp scissor Ms.Joyce is about to use.
I took a deep breath and backed away and shut my eyes. I cant watch that part. I just cant.
When i move forward, Ms.Joyce was halfway through cutting and i almost screamed but i covered my mouth and tears were forming at my eyes, i held Felishia's hand tight and she did too. She was red in the eyes too.
I watch covering my mouth as Ms.Joyce began snipping the muscles and opening them , pulling out the lungs and everything. This time, tears had rolled down and so was Felishia. Calvin was looking at us like " why are u two crying? " and then someone announce , " hey, they are crying!" and everyone turns at our direction.
I wasnt even embarrassed then.

The sight of the poor frog struggling and suffering in Ms.Joyce's hand with bulging out body parts made me cried more. And then, i noticed Calvin missing. Found him then at the corner, sobbing red in the face with his prefect tie. And then, there Boin, in my right was silently looking at the frog with tears really rolling down fast! When everyone found out about his crying. he began wailing and excused himself to the boys room.
I dont blame him. Its a horrible sight. The lungs were like bubbles and Ms.Joyce was pressing it. The frog, it was red in the eyes.

After Science ended. Everyone was kinda quiet looking at us 4 weepers. People from other classes passed by and saw us. Stopped and asked.

Well, i think now. Everyone knows. The cheering and whooping ones are now silent.

And the frog? well dead.

When me and felishia went to the girls room to u know...fix ourself. Zennia and Winny followed all jolly and happy. I wonder how they can bear it. ckckckckckckkck....
I look like a dracula. Red eyes and all.

To tell the truth, i heard Zennia immitating me and Felishia.


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