Saturday, May 15, 2010

* Not complete

YEAH! Its saturdayyyyyyyy~! * woot*.
I assume each of you had a great sunday so far, but me? well for my incomplete family, it isnt that great for us since Dad's away in Thailand to company his friend for some business which i dont really understand for a 3 days trip.!
SO, me, Katie and MOM has been feeling kinda alone this 2 days, i mean, us , IRWANS barely go other places without each other, so its kinda a challenge for me.
( Well, dont mention the time mom and dad flew off to Penang for a week leaving Amah in charge!)
Here's the list i miss about Dad:
• His extremely LOUD snoring at night

• The gargling sound he ALWAYS makes every day before stepping in the shower that can be heard 1 room away.

• His " Ling, want to take a long walk?"

• He used to hear this horrible mandarin songs every night after dinnner. Even though i despise hearing them since they are soo sad and soppy and the singer who sang it are so over-singing, and dramatic. There wasnt a day where Dad wouldnt hear that song, when that horrible track was played every night. Me and Mom and Katie would exchange amused look. But since now there was no horrible mandarin soppy songs, it felt so quiet , (*saying this quickly) and i have to admit that i really longed for that song!

•his 'scoldings' ..(hohohohohohoho) , although it mostly comes from Mom and it barely happened anyway.

• His smokes that makes me cough when he smokes. Oh yes, 10 sticks a day..(*sigh), i have been thinking of giving up from persuading him to stop that dangerous hobby..

Okay, true dad doesnt usually tuck us to bed something like that, so thats not what i missed like what you are expecting it to appear in the list.
But there are also good advantages that he's away, just one actually :
" he will not smoke in that time, since he's with his friends. Kinda weird, but he listens more to his friends.."
" i get the sleep in mom's bed!" hhhohohohh, im so mean! >:]

So, since papa's not here, i guess i am now stuck here in this boring sticky house. GREAT.
And to make matter worse, there's something called 'civil war' happening there, 5 protestor just died. Its NOW happening in Bangkok the place where Dad's now.
Man, Dad should have listened to us.
Mom's dead worried.
So am i.
So, Mom she uses this skype thingy to call Dad instead of using her phone since she doesnt want to get something called 'roaming' , and it took her like 6 tries to finally succeed in connecting it. So, Dad's trying to pretend that he doesnt know that we are calling and doesnt miss us that much, since his friends are around him. ckckckckkckck

Well, i do hope hope hope hope that nothing will happen to him. And no such thing as flight crash or accidents. Finger crossed.

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